fuel your ambition




Nutrition coaching involves 1-2-1 sessions, either in person in Bristol or online, that focuses on achieving your goals whilst promoting multi-faceted health. Having a coach gives you accountability, support, an impartial mentor and an unbiased view on your fuelling routine.


Change takes time. The aim of committing to 12 weeks is to facilitate your growth as an athlete, in and out of your sport. This involves learning how to apply nutrition research to your context, but it is so much more than a meal plan. We address what factors might be limiting your performance from a food perspective, ensuring that you are eating in a way that promotes health, maximises training output and promotes recovery. I draw upon evidence-based theories and practices from psychotherapy to help you become a more resilient athlete that can adapt, be psychologically flexible, make value-based decisions and live a meaningful life free from an over-evaluation of performance outcome, food, body-weight and shape. You’ll gain an education in science-based nutrition, bust myths and come away with a clear idea of what is relevant to you and what is not. You’ll improve your relationship with food and develop your practical food skills. 

Areas that clients often work on are improving energy levels, micronutrient deficiencies, training recovery, sleep quality, endurance nutrition, optimising Veganism, immunity, competition mindset, hypothalamic amenorrhea, RED-S recovery and managing IBS symptoms.

Throughout your coaching block you will receive session notes, relevant resources, supplementation guidance, recipes, bespoke habit tracking sheets, psycho-nutrition education and exercises if apropriate.

“I worked with Bex during my preparation for Ironman Barcelona in 2021. It was my first time taking on a full Ironman distance and I knew I needed a professional to develop a fuelling plan for me to get through the 12 hour event. Whilst we have a shared background in competitive swimming, I was very confident that a lack of background in triathlon would in no way detract from Bex’s ability to support me. And I was completely right. She fully empathised with the demand of juggling performance sport with full time work and other commitments, made no attempt to dial down my emotional connection with food (which had been one of my preconceptions) and put a huge amount of personal research into endurance fuelling strategies, not just to get through the event but also to manage the training load in the weeks leading up. Her knowledge was incredible and having the accountability to keep my nutrition on track was exactly what I needed, but it was the personal support I valued the most. I felt like we were in it together and she became part of the team that meant I felt confident on the start line and strong crossing the finish line. I plan to work with Bex again in prep for my next Ironman and can’t wait to see what new tricks she’s got up her sleeve!”

Steph McNally, Ironman finisher

Female athlete holding and Ironman medal.


For active people (not just elite competitive athletes!) wanting to improve their food and routine to make the most of their training. For those who are experiencing distressing eating behaviours, this is an opportunity to ditch the rigid rules and come back to the person you want to be; to pursue excellence in your sport whilst accepting who you are. For those who are recovering from under-nutrition (or RED-S) and want to feel strong in their body. For those who feel overwhelmed and want to know what is relevant to them. For those that want to work on body-composition goals safely without compromising health or performance. For those preparing for an endurance event such as an Ironman.

This coaching option is for those who are ready to commit to 12 weeks of sessions and prepared to put time in outside of those sessions for personal development work.


“I have had and continue to have the absolute pleasure of knowing, training, racing and now working alongside Rebecca in multiple capacities. Rebecca is a truly caring and empathetic individual who brings a whole new approach to supporting athletes within the nutrition side of sport. This is something I have witnessed during both online and face to face sessions, covering a wide variety of topics within the nutritional world of performance sport.

With nutrition being such an important part of everyone’s life, more specifically athletes lives, Rebecca’s approach is something I believe is what has been missing in the world of sport.

I can’t recommend how valuable having someone like Rebecca to support you individually or within a team truly is. The sessions are incredibly insightful and tailored specifically to suit the individual or team.

I will always proudly involve Rebecca in any work supporting athletes in this capacity. Thank you for the brilliant work you do Rebecca!”

Lauren Quigley, Swimming Commonwealth Games medalist, coach and mentor at Quigley Sport


Having support during the inevitable difficulties of transitioning out of competitive sport can help you navigate body changes, nutrition requirements and shifted priorities.

Jo and Simone at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.
Image of female rowing on water.

“I started working with Rebecca a few years ago as a junior athlete who had many confusions around nutrition. There’s so much information being put out there on social media these days and the big wide web it’s hard to know what is not relevant for you. But Rebecca takes a holistic approach, personalising and working specifically with the individual to tailor for their needs.

When I first reached out to Rebecca I was struggling to adapt to the effects of all my hard training and had lower energy levels. I had lost my period and heard of something called RED-S and wondered if this was having any effect on my performance?

Rebecca took a look at my overall nutrition as well as advising blood tests to confirm it was RED-S and rule out any other possibilities. We worked together, to create a plan for RED-S Recovery over several months until I got my period back! She is a truly compassionate person who can easily relate to athletes struggles around nutrition and will always make sure to back up everything she said with evidence!”

Scarlett Dewar, GB Performance Pathway Rower


If you are not looking for on-going coaching, then you can book a ‘Nutrition MOT’. This includes an initial comprehensive consultation (90min), session notes, followed by a single follow up session ~1 month later (potentially longer if waiting for blood results). This option is popular with junior athletes and families looking for practical advice on their current food routine. It’s a great opportunity to ask lots of questions.

12 week coaching block

This is my most popular coaching service. A 12 week commitment to working on your nutrition for health and performance. Some people find this is enough, others continue with coaching. Follow on coaching is available with weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions at various price points.

Limited concession spots are available, please get in touch for us to discuss your situation.

nutrition ‘mot’

This is for those that are looking for more of a nutrition check up as opposed to on-going coaching. This option is popular with young athletes with their parents who want to ask some questions about their current diet and learn some simple ways to improve. It includes a longer initial session (90-120min) with a follow up 1 month later (if you are awaiting blood results we may need to wait longer).

competition package

This is a 12 week coaching block for those building up to a big race or challenge that want focused guidance on their fuelling strategy. This is ideal for those taking on an Ironman. We meet every week to discuss how your preparation is going and to tweak your nutrition accordingly. We will work on nutrition to optimise your training then prepare you with a race day nutrition and hydration protocol. You will be given a bespoke habit tracker if relevant, race-day supplementation advice and dietary analysis to optimise performance.

